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Уважаемые господа, Турецкая компания World Line (Turkish Global Machinery) предлагает сотрудничество поставщикам и предпринимателям оборудования для переработки сельскохозяйственного и мельничного обо...
(Мин. заказ: 1 шт.)
BSF-5540 — Аппарат для упаковки в термоусадочную пленку продуктов питания или производственных изделий BSF-5540A — Аппарат для упаковки в термоусодочную пленку продуктов питания или производственных и...
1.Машина в сборе с фермой тяжёлого механического моста ТММ-3 (3М) на шасси КРАЗ-255Б; 2.Мосты прокатных балок МПБ грузоподъёмностью 50 тонн. сборно-разборные, автодорожные, металлические;...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
To better ensure the safety & freshness of the goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services, export standard packing good for long term delivery will ...
81500 руб.
Погружной термостат Sirman Softcooker Wi-FoodПогружной термостат Sirman Softcooker Wi-Food предлагает владельцам ресторанов и профессиональным поварам уникальную возможность. С помощью специализирован...
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