West to East Business Solutions (WEBS) has a team of experienced professionals with extensive backgrounds as CFOs and controllers in various industries and both private and public sectors. You’ll gain access to our collective financial and accounting expertise, with a dedicated point of contact person who will diligently analyze your financial data on a regular basis.
Fractional CFO Services
● Partner with CEO, C-Suite leadership, and Board of Directors to provide oversight and strategic direction on growth strategies, profit improvement, fund-raising and other company-wide initiatives.
● Assume overall ownership and responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of all financial reporting.
● Provide direction, mentoring and supervision to a company’s core Accounting, Financial Reporting and Financial, Planning & Analysis (FP&A) teams.
● Lead and coordinate all financial budgeting and cash forecasting activities.
● Liaise with external stakeholders including shareholders, bankers, auditors, attorneys, potential investors, customers, and vendors.
● Lead all Board of Directors communication, presentation and reporting around financial results and other financial and strategic related activities.
Outsourced Accounting
● Coordinate with tax CPAs on tax filing.
● Analyze current accounting systems for proper fit based on current and future needs.
● Coordinate with senior and junior staff to ensure tasks are completed in a prompt manner.
● Assist with audit coordination.
● Provide oversight of mergers and acquisition.
● Assist with Due Diligence process.
● Manage accounts payable and accounts receivable.
● Perform all bookkeeping tasks.
● Provide payroll services.
Human Resources
● Identify hiring needs, job analysis, and descriptions to coordinate a successful interview.
● Compensation and benefits
● Performance management — set expectations and goals, provide feedback and training and establish improvement plans when needed.
● Employee onboarding and offboarding include orientation, completion of necessary documentation and exit interviews.
● Maintain a positive environment
● Health and safety
● HR information systems and record-keeping
● Contributing to organizational strategic planning
We are your strategic partner who provides customized accounting solutions where you need them most while giving you leading-edge accounting. You will have an entire accounting department for a fraction of the cost of a full-time accountant.
West to East Business Solutions (WEBS) has a team of experienced professionals with extensive backgrounds as CFOs and controllers in various industries and both private and public sectors. You’ll gain access to our collective financial and accounting expertise, with a dedicated point of contact person who will diligently analyze your financial data on a regular basis.
At West to East Business Solutions, we don’t just provide you with a team of skilled professionals. We go the extra mile by fostering strong partnerships with industry leaders, such as ADP, banks, and tax accountants, to ensure your business reaches its fullest potential.
WEBS isn’t a CPA company (!).
List of Outsourced Services:
- Fractional CFO,
- Controller,
- Accounting assistance
- Bookkeeping,
- Monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reporting statements
- Budgeting,
- Forecasting,
- Valuation,
- Financial statement preparation
- Financial reports,
- Bill paying services,
- Sales Taxes,
- Payroll,
- Due diligence,
- Business Consulting,
- Business management,
- Human Resources
Industry Experts we work with:
- Construction
- Engineering
- Solar Companies
- Computer
- General Business
- Private Networks
- Health care / Medical
- Computer Software
- Lawyers
- Computer / IT Services
- Professional Services
- Nonprofit
- Contracting
- Energy / Utilities
- Insurance
- eCommerce
- Legal
- Accounting & Finance.
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