natural herbal extracts and alternative therapy product
Нагпур, Индия
Последний визит: более года назад
На ОптЛист: с июня 2023

Curcumin c3 complex

Curcumin c3 complex

Curcumin C3 complex 90 caps HEPATICA

Curcumin C3 Complex
Curcuma is obtained from long-pointed rhizomes (lat. Curcuma longa) — ginger family perennials that are wild in India and bred in many tropical countries. The plant reaches about a meter in height, is characterized by large leaves, yellow or white flowers with pink peaks and a brown long jaw about 10 cm, which after rubbing turns into intense bile color. The powder obtained from the root of the oysters is called turmeric and is used inter alia. For culinary purposes as a spice. Her taste is described as aromatic and bitter. The smell of turmeric seems rather intense and slightly sharp.

Do not exceed the recommended portion for daily consumption. Dieting can not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. It is recommended to use a balanced and varied diet and healthy lifestyle.
