сырьё для БАДов, лекарств, косметики и бытовой химии
Далянь, Китай
Последний визит: 10 дн. назад
На ОптЛист: с октября 2024
D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acid Succinate 1185IU/g

D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acid Succinate 1185IU/g

Цена: 13500 руб.
Минимальный заказ: 1 шт.

D-alpha-tocopherol succinate, also called D-alpha Tocopheryl Acid Succinate, which is an antioxidant extracted from plants and has natural and safe advantages. It is a compound obtained through esterification reaction based on natural plant tocopherols. This compound has better stability and solubility and is able to exert antioxidant effects in various environments and conditions.

Бренд: Handom Chemicals
Страна: China
Вес: 1 кг

Colour: White to almost white /
Odour: Nearly odourless /
Appearance: Powder or Granular /
Identification(Chemical Reaction): Positive /
Identification(GC): Corresponds to RS /
Acidity: 18.0 ~ 19.3 mL
Optical Rotation[α]D25: Not less than +24 °
Bulk Density: 0.20 ~ 0.60 g/cm3
Particle Size(Residue on 20 meshes): Not more than 1 %
Particle Size(Residue on 80 meshes): 35 ~ 99 %
Particle Size(Residue on 120 meshes): Not more than 10 %
Assay: 96 ~ 102 %
D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acid Succinate: Not less than 1161.6 IU/g
Melting Point: 73 ~ 78 ℃
Lead (Pb): Not more than 1.0 ppm
Arsenic (As): Not more than 1.0 ppm
Cadmium (Cd): Not more than 1.0 ppm
Mercury (Hg): Not more than 0.1 ppm
B(a)p: Not more than 2.0 ppb
PAH4: Not more than 10.0 ppb
Total Aerobic Microbial Count: Not more than 1000 CFU/g
Total Yeasts and Moulds Count: Not more than 100 CFU/g
Escherichia coli: Negative/10g /

Чтобы купить D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acid Succinate 1185IU/g оптом по цене 13500 руб., свяжитесь с поставщиком. Компания поставщик — Handom Chemicals из города Далянь (Liaoning). Минимальная партия 1 шт. Доставка возможна транспортной компанией, авиатранспортом, железной дорогой, курьером. Способы оплаты: безналичная оплата, электронные деньги, кредитные карты.

Дата обновления: 13.12.2024

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