сырьё для БАДов, лекарств, косметики и бытовой химии
Далянь, Китай
Последний визит: 7 дн. назад
На ОптЛист: с октября 2024
Citrus Pectin

Citrus Pectin

Цена: 58500 руб.
Минимальный заказ: 1 шт.

Citrus pectin, the abbreviation is CP, which is a polysaccharide complex extracted from the peel and pulp of citrus, lemon, orange, and grapefruit. Its molecule exists in a long-chain carbohydrate structure with a molecular weight of 50,000~300,000 Da and an esterification degree between 20% and 75%.

Natural citrus pectin is generally used as a food additive, with good gelling, stabilizing, emulsifying, thickening, and suspending functions.

As a pure natural water-soluble dietary fiber without any toxic side effects, citrus pectin plays a very important role in healthy food.

Бренд: Handom Chemicals
Страна: China
Вес: 25 кг

Appearance: White, pale yellow to brown free-flowing powder
Odour/Taste: Neutral
pH Value (1% solution): 2.8 ~ 3.8
Degree of Esterification: 58% ~ 62%
Grade USA SAG: More than 200
Galacturonic Acid: Not less than 65%
Loss on Drying (105℃, 2h): Not more than 12%
Acid-insoluble Ash: Not more than 1%
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): Not more than 10 mg/kg
Free methyl, ethyl and isopropyl alcohol: Not more than 1%
Lead (Pb): Not more than 2 mg/kg
Total Plate Count: Not more than 1000 CFU/g
Yeasts and Mould: Not more than 100 CFU/g
Coliforms: Negative/g
Escherichia coli: Negative/g
Staphylococcus aureus: Negative/25g
Salmonella: Negative/25g

Чтобы купить Citrus Pectin оптом по цене 58500 руб., свяжитесь с поставщиком. Компания поставщик — Handom Chemicals из города Далянь (Liaoning). Минимальная партия 1 шт. Доставка возможна транспортной компанией, авиатранспортом, железной дорогой, курьером. Способы оплаты: безналичная оплата, электронные деньги, кредитные карты.

Дата обновления: 07.01.2025

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