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Далянь, Китай
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На ОптЛист: с октября 2024
Calcium Thioglycolate

Calcium Thioglycolate

Цена: 4000 руб.
Минимальный заказ: 1 шт.

Calcium thioglycolate, also known as calcium thioglycolate trihydrate, has a CAS number of 814-71-1 and a chemical formula of C4H6CaO4S2. It is a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water and slightly soluble in alcohol. It has a special smell of thiol compounds. When it encounters metal ions such as iron and copper, it will appear red.

Calcium thioglycolate has many uses:

1) Pharmaceuticals & Daily Necessities: It is an important raw material in pharmaceuticals and daily necessities;

2) Hair Removal: It is often used in depilatory creams to break the disulfide bonds in the hair and break the hair from a soft state, thereby achieving the effect of hair removal;

3) Chemical Analysis: In chemical analysis, calcium thioglycolate can be used as a metal ion monitoring reagent.

Бренд: Handom Chemicals
Страна: China
Вес: 1 кг

Appearance: White crystal powder, free of foreign matter
Odour: Characteristic, intensity to standard
Whiteness: Not less than 80
Infra-Red Spectrometry: Conforms Standard Spectrum
Purity: 99.0% ~ 101.0%
pH Value (1% Aqueous Solution): 11.0 ~ 12.0
Total Heavy Metals (as Pb): Not more than 10 ppm
Fe Content: Not more than 10 ppm

Чтобы купить Calcium Thioglycolate оптом по цене 4000 руб., свяжитесь с поставщиком. Компания поставщик — Handom Chemicals из города Далянь (Liaoning). Минимальная партия 1 шт. Доставка возможна транспортной компанией, авиатранспортом, железной дорогой, курьером. Способы оплаты: безналичная оплата, электронные деньги, кредитные карты.

Дата обновления: 20.12.2024

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